Icon-truck10.36.030 Truck traffic routes designated

The following streets or portions of streets, and no others, shall be used for truck traffic routes for the movement of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight of three tons, except as allowed by the Gardena Municipal Code or the California Vehicle Code:

Rosecrans Avenue.
From the west city boundary to the east city boundary;
Marine Avenue.
From the west city boundary to Western Avenue;
Redondo Beach Boulevard.
From the west city boundary to the east city boundary;
Western Avenue.
From the north city boundary to the south city boundary, excepting therefrom certain portions thereof lying outside the city;
Normandie Avenue.
From the north city boundary to the south city boundary, excepting therefrom certain portions thereof lying outside the city;
Vermont Avenue.
From the north city boundary to the south city boundary, excepting therefrom certain portions thereof lying outside the city. (Ord. 1608 § 1, 2001;
Ord. 1568 § 2, 1999; prior code § 3-5.1403)
